KSP Productions


Logo Package
Website Package
Canva Templates

"I would recommend Mothershed Design Co. to people who need partners that will listen, push you creatively and always be solution oriented. They helped to elevate my brand while staying true to the core values of my company. Highly recommend partnering with Meg and Josiah!"

Katie St. Peter
Owner & Executive Producer

The Challenge

KSP Productions is a full-service production company that partners with bold brands and creative teams to seamlessly produce engaging photography and video content. When Katie St. Peter approached Mothershed Design Co. for a new logo and website, she was searching for both a stronger identity to stand out among competitors, as well as establish a clear direction for the relatively new company.

The Solution

Mothershed Design Co. worked closely with KSP to develop a new logo that seamlessly blended sophistication and fun. The website and social media templates that followed put Katie's personality and impressive capabilities on full display, with a bold, energetic, and memorable brand.

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